Wednesday, April 08, 2009


This picture pretty much sums up our bluebonnet picture taking experience today...

What we learned today is that when you can't sit up, it's damn near impossible to take pictures in bluebonnets. Add it to my lists of things that probably aren't so smart to do with a three month old. It's a LONG list (and I have pictures of all of them). We lugged our random chairs up to Brenham to take pics.

It was kind of hot, the sun was in thier eyes, and bluebonnets are itchy (but apparently tase pretty good). That adds up to lots of screaming fun in the sun but we got a few cute ones!

1 comment:

Shannon Boyer said...

The upclose one of Emmy is adorable! I hate to say that I am glad to hear your Bluebonnet experience went as badly as ours :)