Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cupcakes: 3 months

My Big Boy is 3 months old!
At three months Beckett is:
* easy to smile. After he's eaten he'll smile and coo at you for a good long time untill he starts getting sleepy. He's not really picky about what's funny. If it semi-entertaining he'll give you a smile.

* coos and talks and talks. He's much more vocal than I remember Emmy being

*Still going about every 3 hours to eat, sometimes he'll get crazy and stretch it to 4. He's only gained about a pound to be around 13 pounds
*STILL not sleeping more than about 3 hours at night. We'll get a stretch with 2 or 3 nights of 5 or 6 hours and then it's back to waking up every few hours

*Really starting to get control of his hands. He can get them up to his mouth to chew his fingers, which is his favorite activity, but he's also starting to bat at things and will reach out to touch your face if you get close enough to him. This is pretty amazing as you can actually see him concentrating so hard to get that hand to move.

*Starting to drool, and drool, and drool

He is a cutie and we're also pretty sure he's going to be a little stink, or a "stink booty" as he's referred to in front of Emmy. He is pretty good at getting what he wants already!

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