Saturday night Kristen and I got some much needed practice in child rearing. My sister asked us to take care of our niece, Abby, for the night and we happily agreed. At this point, Abby is a 30" bolt of lightning. Nothing is funnier than watching her, head down, running down the hall to catch Kristen or I. If I am ever fast enough to capture a video of the action I will post it. For now, imagine Gizmo from the Gremlins, arms pinned against his side, fists pumping, head forward trucking down the hall...yep...that funny...

Kristen was a trooper, 5 months pregnant and lifting and lifting and lifting a 30+ pound toddler all night long, that for some reason, did not want anything to do with Uncle Blake. Saddened, I was able to buy some love during the night by being the "ice giver". Apparently, this was my purpose for the evening.

We took the little one on a walk down the street and played in the backyard. Rather she walked us down the street and ran us around the backyard.

I have never seen a kid more captivated with the birds buzzing around the neighborhood. Its great to see how "amazing" she still thinks everything is. You wonder what it would be like if we took her to a place like St. Mark's Square (see pics from blogs May 2005)...She would go absolutely bonkers with the pigeons scattering in hundreds of different directions!
She also LOVES her dog Cash. See pic. She adores giving him sugars...lots of sugars...

After a long but great night ( us...) we were able to take it easy the rest of the weekend. We still have some re-arranging and sewing and cleaning to do before our little one takes the world by storm.