Tonight we had a "Cofee with the Pastors" meeting at church that you have to go to if you want to join the church. Blake and I thought, "It's an hour, surely we can bring Beckett." Lynn and Bob took Emmy to a concert and we took off. We are either overly ambitious or incredibly stupid (probably the latter.) We're thinking this will be like four people and us. Of course when we get there it's the biggest one ever and there's a good 25 people there. Lovely.
He started out awake and slightly grumpy. About ten minutes into the preacher speaking we broke out the bottle. He grunted and slurped and sucked but stayed relatively quiet, which was all the better to hear the massive blow outs (yes there were several) he helped himself to while he was eating. The poor lady beside me kept saying "Oh my!" and that was just the start...
We had to go around and introduce ourselves. When it got to our turn and Blake was speaking, Beckett let out a huge burp. This from the kid that pretty much refuses to burp. After the belch he started getting fussy so I took him outside to see if I could calm him down. As I'm introducing myself to one of the preachers I feel something warm on my leg. Beckett has projectile vomited down my back and side and there's a nice little pool of spit up on the floor. The preacher nicely volunteered to get me some paper towels.
Since at this point I"m pretty much mortified, I stay outside the room. He's somewhat calm until the preachers wife comes and introduces herself and basically steals him from me. Which I know is a TERRIBLE idea. Of course he starts screaming his head off. Then she KEEPS TALKING instead of letting me walk around with him. This goes on for a good 10-15 minutes even though there's an increasing look of panic on my face. Finally when she does walk in her husand (the preacher) says, "late as usual!" She says "I was taking care of the baby" and he says "Yes, we know we can all hear him."
So in the course of about 45 mintues Beckett did just about everything that was disgusting, disruptive, and foul. We MIGHT still get to join the church. I don't know. I guess everyone will remember us now. Oh yea! You're the ones with the kid that farted/burped/threwup/screamed at the class! GREAT!