Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Zoo Trip

Blake and I have been commenting on the difference between the number of pictures we have taken of Emmy and the number of pics we've taken of Beckett.I think I have 75 (literally) pictures of Emmy's first trip to the zoo and all I have of Beckett's is the ones below, all of which could've been taken anywhere.

Beckett reacted to the zoo, like any 3 month old reacts to the zoo.. he didn't give a crap =) He was just extra cute in his button up (I've pretty much decided he will be dressed in button ups from now on he's so cute in them.) and hung out while Emmy fed the giraffes. While Emmy and Blake rode the carousel, I took extreme, up your nose close -ups of B in his stroller. This one pretty much sums up how he felt about that =)

The weather was gorgeous and it was nice to have Blake during the week, so we'll call it a success!

A Sprinkle for Easton and meet the (great grand) parents

We just HAD to take a little time to celebrate Baby Easton, who is set to make his grand arrival anyday now! The besties all came to town for a "Little Monster" brunch and pedi party (The best kind!) From this pictures you can't tell that there were only 4 of us at the party! The sewing ladies were at it again! Unfortunately all I ended up with was a bunch of pictures of Beckett and the girls. He's a ladies man!

Later that night, Beckett got to meet his Great Grand parents, Maw Maw and Paw Paw, and Great Aunt Jane for the first time.