At three month Sutton is:
- We didn't have an official weigh in for this month, but she's growing! The 0-3 month clothes are just about too small. We're moving in to 3-6. She has the chubbiest cheeks and is working on 3 or 4 chins.
- Spitting. and spitting and spitting. Blowing bubbles is really fun, and so is just spitting for fun!
- Sleeping really well finally! She officially sleeps from around 11 pm to 6ish. Naps are another story. They are off or on and last varying amounts of time from all day to NONE.
- Is talking and talking. Particularly after she eats she'll scrunch up one shoulder and gurgle at you. I have tried for two months now to get this on camera and she refuses. As soon as she sees the camera she'll immediately stop.
- We got a giggle! Of course not on camera. It will happen once or twice in a row and then she's done.
- She loves to kick kick but is mainly interested in sitting up. She can pull her entire body upright from leaning back. She is incredibly strong!
- Just like her brother and sister, standing up is the best. She can't support her weight for long, but she loves it.
- Has found her fingers! Chewing and sucking on them keeps her busy. She also loves the blanket to chew.
- The fake cough has arrived. She's not a huge fan yet, but will use it here and there.
- YOu can see her actually thinking about using her hands to bat at toys. It's fun to watch the level of concentration. You can see the wheels turning and the delight when she gets it.
- Is a happy happy girl.I will go ahead and call her an easy baby. I will probably regret that later. She rarely ever cries. Even her fuss is sort of just less happy.
- Will do "big eyes" when she's scared or surprised.
- Is my first child who will fall asleep in a restaurant. I can wrap her up, rock her, and she'll just fall asleep and stay asleep while we eat. I am in complete awe every time it happens. I think I earned it after the last two!
- Has been fully indoctrinated into everything Aggie already.
- Has started taking baths in the big girl baby bath tub. She's always pretty unsure about it at first, and then tries to kick all the water out quickly after that.