Blake did the disgusting guts job. We briefly considered roasting the seeds and then thought about cleaning them out of all the goop and said, nah. Emmy got her finger in the pumpkin and had a bite. She did the shudder and gag pretty quickly, which is pretty hilarious considering that she gladly munches on dirt and would LOVE to lick that pumpkin stem. From then on out sat and munched on a milk duds box and was quite happy. This is as close as she got to the action.
I tried to take a turn and cut the eyes, but we ended up having to do emergency eye surgery. One of them is stuck on with some kind of nail that Blake dug out of the garage. Carving pumpkins is harder than you think. Blake carved up a gigantic mouth and we decided on no nose this year. Our pumpkin looks a little drunk, but hey, that's ok.