Sunday, July 26, 2009

This is the Way we Roll the Tongue...Roll the Tongue...Roll the Tongue...

On Thursday Emmy realized that she had a tongue. She spent about three days doing this...

and then she realized that she could make fun noises with it. Now she does this...

Go Shorty.....

As usual, it was another busy busy weekend! We kicked off my official Birthday Week (yes, you get a whole week in my family) on Wednesday when I became thiiiiiiis close to 30! My wonderful hubby sent me roses and a cookie bouquet at work. Emmy somehow managed to also buy me a humongous cake. I'm wondering who's credit card she's using. Needless to say, I've gained about ten pounds since Wednesday eating all the cakes, cookies, and various other sweets hanging out around the house. Back to P90X tomorrow!
We started out on Wednesday with the traditional Sansom birthday party at Maggiano's! Spinach and Chicken manicotti... mmmmm. Then we made headed over Desert Gallery for cake (this was BEFORE I knew about the Emmy cake.)

Friday Blake and I had a nice dinner at Backstreet Cafe and went to see the new Harry Potter movie. Not as good as the other ones in my opinion. There was a guy dressed up in a "sexy Hermione" outfit with a giagantic wig, fish nets, and lucite super high heels. That's a lot of effort to go see a movie that ended at 1 in the morning. Maybe has was going out afterward? I don't know. I REALLY wanted to take a picture with him, but figured I probably shouldn't =) Just imagine it now.......

Saturday it was time for Caroline's BIG first birthday party! She was supposed to be born on my birthday, but held out a few more days. She was too cute in her ladybug tutu and really dug into her birthday cake! It's amazing how much she's grown in the past few months. She's a little kid now, not a baby anymore! I'm so glad that we've gotten to be so close to watch her grow up over these past few months. She's such a special girl to Blake, Emmy, and I. I can't believe it was a year ago that we went to meet her in the hospital!We also got to finally meet two other babies I've been dying to meet, Kate and Seth. Their mommies are old high school friends of mine, and they are both just too cute! Seth is so smiley (Emmy was very jealous of his four teeth). They were supposed to be born on the same day, but due to a scheduling mixup at the hopsital, Seth is three days younger. And Kate is too cute with her rolls, chubby cheeks, and her momma's beautiful big brown eyes!

We finished up the weekend with Baseball with the Boyers in the Crawford Boxes at Minute Maid. We sat on the same row as "that guy who gets up even ten seconds to go get another beer or go to the bathroom because he just drank his twentieth beer of the game". Unfortunately we had two of That Guy on our row. We seriously had to stand up fifteen times in the first four innings. With two kids who juuuussst went to sleep we were considering paying the beer guy to cut them off.

Shannon taught me about the photo booth where they take your picture against the green screen to make you souvenir shot. We amassed quite a line of people watching the two cute babies take a picture together. Everything was fine until I tried to get Emmy standing up by herself in the picture. Usually she falls on her but when she falls. Yeah, not this time. In front of the huge line of people, Emmy went face first into the concrete floor. I ran with Emmy before anyone could give me the Mother of the Year Award or call CPS. She ended up with a purple momento of the game on her forehead. One of "those guys" asked me as he was walking by for the 27th time ..."oh, did she get hit" Yes, That Guy, my infant daughter got hit by a screaming home run, and I am just calmly sitting here putting ice in a burp cloth on her head while she plays patty cake. Folks, 27 beers in one Astros game is no bueno......
It was a fun weekend, great birthday, and I still have three days of Official Birthday week to go! Maybe I can sneak in a few more days =)