Terry Hershey park has a big lake with ducks (and a few vultures.. blah) These ducks are pretty uncooperative though. They wouldn't even come over to eat the bread! Have you ever seen a duck that didn't eat bread? Even though they had attitude, Abby had a great time trying to get them to come over.
As you can see from Emmy's Superpeepawface, she was really pretty uninterested in the ducks. What she was interested in was the dirt. LOVED IT! She even managed to grab a HUGE handful of it and get it in her mouth before I could make it over to her. At that point I figured there was nothing much I can do so I just gave her some water to wash it down. Yes, another line for my "Mother of the Year" application =) After dealing with the diva ducks, we headed over to the playground for a little swinging and sliding. As you can see, Emmy was about as impressed with the sliding as the ducks, but swinging was ok!Abby is such a big girl now, and she's speaking in real sentences. All day long she kept saying "That's MY cousin!" She couldn't quite understand why Emmy wouldn't just run around with her. They're going to have so much fun running around together in a few more months.