Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Diva

For the past three weeks Kristen and I have been trying desperately to get Emmy to reveal herself for us and a number of our family members in a 4D ultrasound. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Emmy did every single thing she could to keep her face hidden as we peered into Kristen's belly. She covered her face with one hand, she criss-crossed her face with both hands, she placed her foot on her face, she twisted her body into a complete pretzel...

...and she even rotated her entire body away from us a "mooning" of sorts. The only thing she was interested in showing was, you guessed it, her female parts. Thats my daughter. Like the day we found out her sex, we also found out about her exhibitionist agenda. It seemed that no matter how much we wanted to see the little girl's face, she had her own agenda and was not interested in letting us get a chance until she got the chance to see the light of day.

That of course was until yesterday. You see, Kristen and I had one last attempt, the 3rd out of three tries to make this happen. Because of our previous failings, we did not ask the entire family to join for yet another opportunity to see the little ones bottom, and amazingly (as expected) Emmy decided to cooperate after a little coaxing. In the waning minutes of our third attempt, the diva gave us a glimpse of what she may look like when she arrives. I think the technician was excited too! She allowed us to stay over our time limit to get the best possible pictures since we had been so patient.

I have included some of the shots below. You can also see the attached video of our little one moving around in her mother's tummy.


Unknown said...

Sucha pretty little diva!

Betsy Castille said...

She's gorgeous!!

Jennifer said...

She has chubby cheeks! Look out Emmy - here comes Dijo!