Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Never Say Never

Yesterday Betsy, Ann, and I decided that we just HAD to go to the outlet malls to look at the baby stores. So we piled Caroline and Emmy's car seats in the Tahoe and met Ann there. Now the Tahoe was supposed to be our "baby car" but it's really a crappy one. Especially since we opted for the cooler captains chair rather than the bench seat in the second row. We had to cram the two strollers in, push them forward, slam the trunk and hope they didn't fall out. Anything we bought had to be able to be crammed into a tiny hole or it wasn't coming home
So we all met up with our three strollers and cute babies and headed out shopping. It was Mommy central there because almost everyone there had a stoller. After a couple hours of shopping we decided that everyone was ready to eat. So I said, let's all just pile in the Tahoe and feed the babies and then we'll go eat. Brilliant idea except we had two carseats and two strollers. So I gave Ann and Betsy the front seats and I was going to climb in the back row and everything was going to be great. Well that was a fine idea except we also had two strollers and a wiggly screaming baby that doesn't make climbing over carseats into the back row exactly easy.

Long story short: I had Betsy shut me in the trunk while I sat Indian style in between the folded up back row seats and we just kind of left the strollers hanging out in the parking lot. One of them tried to make a run for in and Betsy had to jump out and get it out of the middle of the lane. I'm sure Ann and Betsy had some nice conversation while I pondered what exactly it felt like to get kidnapped. My butt fell asleep about five minutes in but besides that it was really kind of ok. I was glad someone didn't decide to come up and see why there was a person shut in the trunk of my car. They would've gotten a liiiitle surprise!

Conclusion: If you would've told me three months ago that I would have someone shut me in the trunk of my car to breastfeed my child in public I would've told you were crazy and then ran away. Guess you can never say never.

And no there are no pictures to accompany this post, but here's one of Emmy looking like a little snowboarder. Soo cute!


Shannon Boyer said...

Such a funny story! I have a few of those myself...including breastfeeding in the seat of a car while my hubby and a random man figure out how to jumpstart the car I was in! And we were evacuated for Hurricane Ike!

The things we do for our precious children!

Michelle LaRue said...

This story made me laugh outloud! I can just imagine Betsy chasing the stroller while you're squished in the trunk of the Tahoe with Emmy. Good times :)