It's offical, Blake is now a Master of Business Administration.

Not only did my super smart Hubby graduate, he graduated with the Dean's Award for Excellence. This means that I married one smart cookie. He stuck it through for three long years and not only graudated, but graduated with high honors. We're so proud of him!
Since they don't make graduation hats in extra ginormous, he had to get a liiiitle-bitty hat. Ok it was normal sized, but it DID fit Emmy already.

Speaking of Emmy, she had a GREAT time. She danced to the band, clapped for every single person and flirted with just about everyone around us. We also read about 25 books during the ceremony and ate a couple of granola bars. But hey, we made it through with a little help from GiGi and Pops.

After the ceremony we went to Yia Yia Mary's for a little grub. The only thing Blake requested for his graduation was a Red Relvet Cake from a bakery called Rao's by our house. When they opened the box to show me the cake I literally started laughing out loud. They really went above and beyond in the decoration. I'm thinking someone probably strained a wrist from working so hard on it. You know you want one.

So Blake's career as a Coog is over. He's fondly miss the weekly emails about the latest assualt on campus, driving over an hour to class a couple times a week, and you know he's going to miss reading all about Behavioral management. He just LOVED management. He swears he is done with graduations and school. This officially makes me the only person in my immediate family without some type of graduate degree. Mom, Dad, and Blake have one and Laura and Sean will have one soon. I'm looking like a slacker!!!!!!! Hey, if you can get a cake that sweet, I guess it's all worth it.
Congratulations Blake! The red velvet is my fav from Rao's too....also, love Emmy's dress! :)
Congrats Mr. High Honors Master of Business! That is definitely something to be proud of!! We wish we could have been there!
Congratulations Blake !!!
We are proud of you and happy that we could be there for your special celebration !!!!
Love ya
Mom & Dad
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