Blake had a little time off today so we took Emmy to open play at Monkey Bizness, a jumpy place. I took Emmy there a couple months ago to see if she wanted to have her birthday there and the answer was HELL NO. Now it's kind of fun! Emmy really dug going down the slides all by herself.
We only had to pay five bucks for Emmy and Blake and I were free. I think I'll let you see who they SHOULD've charged for =)
Emmy did so much jumping and sliding that this is what she did on the way home.. for about 15 minutes.

Continuing her day of fun, we headed over to Emmy's Valentine's party at school. It completely amazes me that at home Emmy will barely sit in her high chair and throws food all over the place. At her school eleven 12-18 month olds sat around the table and nicely ate their food. Peer pressure is a amazing.

After eating about ten Ritz crackers, half a dozen vanilla wafers, one gigantic cookie with loads of hot pink icing in about ten minutes (and completey ignoring the nice spread of fruit and cheese on her plate) Emmy suddenly stood up, started dancing and told me she was "All Done."

What she really meant was she was all done for the day. Jumping around, large amounts of hot pink icing, and no naps mean that we went to bed at 6! Hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day!
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