Friday, May 14, 2010

17 Months: No Cupcakes

At 17 months Emmy is doing a lot of the things she did at 15 month, just better. She:

* Has 8 teeth! Two top molars, four on the bottom and two on the top. FINALLY more teeth!
* Weighs about 28 pounds and has grown a couple of inches. She's getting taller and leaner but is still a little chunky monkey.
* Her animals are still her favorite toy but she's liking to color and draw more. She also like to stack her blocks.
* Will imitate anything you say! Her favorite game is to go through all the words she can say. We have a few new animal sounds as well! This is the turkey and rooster.

* Has started learning her colors. So far we know yellow, purple, pink, and blue, but everything is usually "buuuu"
* Gives REAL kisses with some suction and a smack.
* Says "I Love you" "Tank too" and "Peas"
* Is still getting ear infections one after another (I'm over it)
* Has pretty much got hopping down. She's actually leaving the ground
* Knows most of her body parts (belly, toes, fingers, eyes, mouth, head, ear, etc.)
* Still singing and dancing. She's getting pretty good at Old McDonald!

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