Tuesday, October 30, 2012

And the pumpkins continue...

Last year Emmy had a great time painting pink and purple sparkly pumpkins. I thought B might be able to participate this year so I told everyone to get naked. B took this literally. He looked at us, popped off his diaper, and walked over and threw it in the trash!!! This boy is all about the show!! Surely he didn't understand what I said, but MAN does he have good timing!

So after we put diapers back, we got everything covered in plastic and got ready to paint! Blake told me I was nuts. 

Emmy was really into blue this year, so and Beckett actually got the brush and painted a few strokes! 

It looked like it was all going to work, and boy was I smug, until he stuck the paintbrush in his mouth and started sucking. So then Emmy and I painted pumpkins...

We ended up with a starry night pumpkin a earth pumpkin and two other very blue ones. She was pretty proud of her masterpieces and she displayed them through the yard, like literally in random places all over the front yard. Whatever the master wants!

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