Emmy and I didn't let a little thing like another ear infection (GROAN), cough, steroids, and snot keep us down. We hopped a commuter jet to Corpus for a LONG overdue visit with the greatgrandparents! I figured this would be an excellent first trip on a plane since the total flight time on the way down was a whopping 29 minutes. Awesomeness!
Another little bit of awesomess was that the plane was about half empty. So we had plenty of room to spread out and play with the airplane stickers that Gigi bought. The ride was pretty much uneventful! She ran back and forth between us and played with all her toys. The pressure didn't even bother her. I don't think she got that she was "On" an airplane, but she dutifully signed airplane when we asked her about it.

We spent a lot of quality time hanging out with the great-grandparents, coordinating around four (ok mine is included) nap schedules, and eating. Sounds like a nice weekend, huh =) We started out by visiting the new aquarium at the mall.

Emmy got five adults to play "Tag" with her in the middle of the mall. That's right, she had us jumping up and down and running around while she ran after us and "tagged" us. Unfortunately a lot of her tags are crotch-level. A little inapprorpiate, yes, but fun none-the-less! You just gotta be careful when you're tagged =)
We had some good quality paw Paw time after that. Emmy hasn't really been around Paw Paw since she's been a "big girl", but she took to him instantly. She pretty much wouldn't leave him alone and learned how to say his name in one day. If that's not bonding, I don't know what is!
Emmy is obsessed with birds and ducks right now since they just completed that unit at her school, so we decided to take her to the duck park. Since it was Corpus, it turned out that the seagulls had taken over. We fed the bread and dodged the poop. These guys are pretty agressive.

The next day we went to the new awesome park that Corpus has right on the ocean. Since Emmy had an ear infection and we were trying to avoid the CRAZY wind, Mom rigged up this awesome contraption made up of a headband and hat to keep her ears covered.

Emmy had a great time running up and down the stairs and swinging.

I am in love with this picture. The combo of the tie-dye, sideways hat, and what looks like hightops. It looks like it needs a warning "Caution: May Breakdance at any moment"

We said bye to Paw Paw, Maw Maw, and Aunt Jane and headed back to the airport to finish up our quick trip. Emmy was an old pro this time... she got her boarding pass....

Pointed out her plane, and we got on board.

Only to have to sit there for over 30 minutes before we could take off... This in effect doubled the trip time. After a little while we were all going BONKERS!!!! But we made it! Succesful first plane ride! Thanks Maw Maw, Paw Paw, and Jane for a great trip!
I think she needs to got a 2 legit 2 quit tshirt for that gansta picture...she could sign that :)
i just have to say - emmy is really a beautiful baby. i love the sideways hat pic!
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