Monday, March 15, 2010

No Cupcakes: 15 months

At 15 months Emmy:

  • Weights about 25 pounds (90%) is 31.5 inches long (75-90%). The head has finally leveled off! 46 cm. That's still 97th percentile, but we'll take it =)
  • Is talking up a storm! Mama, Dada, Gigi, Pops, Boppa (we're working on Lannie) dog, ball, no, yea!, bubble, fish, panda bear, oh no!
  • Finally started babbling randomly after her tubes. She pretty much talks all day unless she's being "shy". Screaming and squealing also happens quite a lot.
  • Is learning new signs at school every week: butterfly, airplane, bird, duck, all done, more, please, milk, dog, cat, bear
  • She also knows that a car says "beep beep", a train says "choochoo", a truck says "honk honk", and a boat says "toot toot" We learned these at the doctor's office from the stickers on the wall. That's how often we're there =(
  • Can "sing" two songs : Old Macdonal had a farm (she says Eieio) and Bringing Home My Baby Bumblebee (she says babybumblebee and makes hand motions and bops up and down)
  • Says "ooooooooooooo" witha very damatic face when she sees something she wants or when she's trying to be dramatic (I'll have to get this on tape)
  • Dance, dance, dance, dance.. to anything, music, banging, singing, talking... it's always something to dance to. She's trying to learn how to "march" and "hop". It's pretty funny!
  • Knows EXACTLY when she's doing something wrong. She looks at me, wags her finger and says, "no, no, no". then usually does it anyway. We're about to start time outs!
  • Can make lots of animal sounds. Cat, dog, horse, lamb (her favorite), cow. Her favorite toys are animals that we made run around the room.
  • Will respond by nodding her head with yes and no to questions and will follow verbal commands
  • The wonderful sleeping got shorter after tubes. She goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up at 6:30 (booooooo)
  • Finally figured out how to "ride" her riding toys and loves to climb anything. She hasn't quite mastered ladders yet.
  • She's suddenly turned picky eater. Mac and Cheese is ALWAYS acceptable, but besides that it's hit or miss. My little broccoli eater is long gone.
  • we have Six teeth now! Four in the front and two top molars (that we think came in around the 11th)
  • Would be outside all day if at all possible. She loves to just sit in the grass and spot birds and cars and pick weeds. We will use this skill later in life ;)
  • Has started "pretending" talking on the phone, cleaning the floor with her blanket, changing the tv channel with the remote (that one makes me feel REALLY good!) and making her butterfly "fly" in the air
  • Has created her own game of "tag" where she runs and "gets" you

She is just a little nut and total ham! She loves being the center of attention and defiently knows how to put on a show. We're in trouble!