Gorgeous weather in Houston, Texas means two things: 1. The month of birthdays is upon us and 2. Spring has suddenly arrived only to leave us with the dog days of summer even faster. In an attempt to celebrate the season, Collin, Betsy, Caroline, Kathy, Tim, Kristen, Emmy and I went to the Lakewood UMC Spring Fling. The girls were able to dance, pet farm animals, ride a train and have their first ever Easter egg hunt. We had been prepping Emmy for this moment for quite some time, but sometimes you just never know...
Emmy has been practicing for a moment in the petting zoo for months. What does a sheep say Emmy? BAAAAA!!! What does a horse say Emmy? NEEIIGGGGHHHH!!!
What does the doggie say? Emmy, that's not a doggie...at least she wasn't scared of anything this time...

Even more than the eggs, Emmy liked the gravel in the playground. As eggs disappeared in every direction around her (I wish that I would have gotten Kristen's eye tone on camera when a little boy zoomed in and stole an egg from her outstretched hand), Emmy was content digging in, collecting and placing the gravel into her basket.

A picture of our little family after the hunt. Notice Emmy is still not interested in anything besides the gravel. The Easter eggs were a nuisance to her gravel scramble.

Before the hunt began, we were sure Emmy would be on the hunt for eggs, as even the candy egg given to her during story time could not make it out of the wrapper before going directly into her mouth.

Emmy and her GiGi enjoyed a ride around the church in a tractor pulled train.
The excitement of riding the train spilled over into dance as Caroline showed each of us how little girls JAM!
Inspired by Caroline's moves, Emmy answered with a few of her own...

An amazing picture. These bunny ears last approximately 2.5 seconds on Emmy's head before they end up around her neck, in her eyes or on the ground.

There were at least two proud Daddy's with their daughters enjoying the day.

After the party, we went to a local restaurant for some grub. Trying to eat with two toddlers is at times, trying, but watching them run up and down the sidewalk in front of the restaurant is the main highlight. I just so happened to catch Caroline's excitement.
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