It's hard to believe that Emmy is 4! She swears to me that she'll go ahead and turn 5 but then she's not getting any older than that! We'll see how that's goes. She's pretty much the size of a 6 year old and surprises me all the time with the adult things she says.. and then she'll act like a 2 year old. Guess that's the beauty of 4!
Here's my Rapunzel and her little brother Superman.
As a favor for all of her guests Emmy sat for an hour and a half and hand wrote every single Thank You topper for 27 party favors. I thought she would get bored after 3 but she really got in to it. By the end her letters were much better, and what a special way to practice being grateful.This is a special memory for me.
Emmy was very in to helping with all the preparations. Since it's a birthday, we had to have the cheese puffs! (Beckett now calls these my balls and we had to throw away all that were left over because he literally wouldn't eat anything but cheese balls as long as they were in the house. He would hunt them down and find them everywhere we hid them)
This pinterest project got al little nuts. There were almost 400 suckers on this ball. We will be eating suckers for a LONG LONG time. The Dentist will be so happy with us!
Emmy set a superhero and princess table for all of her friends to have a tea party with Cinderella and Superman.
We also made some photo backdrops to take pics and you know we had to have a castle!
But for some reason the highlight of the party seemed to be Emmy's old "fat car" that we haven't played with in about 6 months. The kids couldn't get enough of it!
After everyone was settled in and had jumped a bit, look who the mailman brought!
Emmy was so excited to meet Cinderella. Her friend from school Perri ran SCREAMING all the way down the driveway to tell everyone the she was there.
Cinderella started by singing everyone her story. She had a beautiful voice!Amazingly the kids sat still to hear the story.
Then they all sat down for a game of Princess Superhero Duck Duck Goose.
Then it was time for the tea party! Emmy is not one to get too excited or show a lot of emotion. She will barely even smile in a picture. Believe it or not, this is Emmy having an ABSOLUTELY fantastic time =)
But probably the highlight for her was when Cinderlla poured pink tea for her to give to all of her friends. Nothing makes her happier than organizing or distributing things.
After the tea party Cinderella and Superman had time for a few pictures.

Emmy even WILLINGLY took some with Cinderella. That's when i knew we had a hit . This NEVER happens.
I'm so glad we got to give her an experience I know she'll remember for a long time. Emmy had a FABULOUS time! And all the little princesses agree.
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